Mental health and wellness are enhanced by creativity

Teachers’ traditional curriculums do not include creativity as one of the skills and content areas they must cover. These skills are usually grouped together with collaboration, communication, and reading: Great to have, but not as important as long division or reading.

However, research shows that creativity is not just a great asset. Our technologically-driven world suggests that it is even an evolutionary imperative.

“The pace of cultural change is accelerating more quickly than ever before,” says Liane Gabora, associate professor of psychology and creative studies at the University of British Columbia. The mutation rate goes up when the environment changes rapidly in some biological systems. Similarly, in times of change, we need to generate innovative ideas to stay afloat.”

GD Goenka Bhagalpur Believes in Creativity Underpinning

With one-size-fits-all curriculums and standardized tests, public education usually leaves little room for creativity. This puts them out of sync with many schools’ global demands and societal needs, leaving students underprepared for future success. But this is not the case with GD Goenka, the best school for CBSE in Bhagalpur. At our campus, we know and acknowledge the importance of creativity and how beneficial it is for the development of little brains. 

Creative elements always enhance a classroom environment, making the lessons more interesting and interactive. Curriculum and creativity work together to assist students in becoming innovative and encourage them to learn new things. The best school in Bhagalpur always looks forward to making even the boring subject interesting by adding a touch of creativity to conveying lessons. It is possible to grow up as a good communicator and improve your students’ emotional and social skills. Students’ acquisition of knowledge and how they apply it in real life can be transformed by creative classrooms. A student’s emotional development is strongly influenced by creative expression. Being the best CBSE school in Bhagalpur, we emphasize the importance of creativity in student’s life and take actionable steps towards it. 

Role of Creativity and How it is Helping Kids

Taking a look at creativity and its benefits in today’s classrooms, let’s examine how important it is.

Learn While Having Fun

A fun learning environment

Classrooms with creative teaching methods allow students to learn and have fun at the same time. Through activities like storytelling and skits, they can learn without feeling pressured to learn. Including fun activities into the curriculum makes students more interested in learning. Teachers must encourage this quality in students from the lower classes themselves and encourage them to think of themselves as creative. It is possible to organize team-building activities that help groups learn to think creatively and accept the ideas of others.

Right to Express Oneself

An Expressive Mind

A creative classroom allows students to express themselves differently than conventional teaching methods. Students can get out of the shelves and participate in classroom discussions, debates, or field trips. Being able to express themselves in this way gives them a sense of goodness and happiness. In addition to being able to contribute to the learning sessions, they feel satisfied. When they approach learning creatively, they are more open to the puzzles that come their way and feel more accomplished and proud.

Psychology of Emotions

Emotionally Sound

A kid’s emotional development is triggered by his or her creative expression. As early as possible, this needs to be done at their lower classes to respond well to their surroundings as they grow up. Students can build up good confidence by showcasing their true emotions creatively in their classrooms. By expressing themselves creatively, they can explore their surroundings and discover new things. They will always love an environment that allows students to explore freely without setting any boundaries.

Enhances Thinking Capabilities

Brain Exercise

The creative process can stimulate students’ imaginations. Amid a busy curriculum, teachers promote open-ended questions, group activities, brainstorming sessions, and debates. Teachers can use these techniques to make learning challenging lessons fun and easy. By incorporating puppet shows into the learning sessions, the students will remain engaged during the sessions and the flow of images in their minds will give them the pleasure of creativity. They will be allowed to think creatively about the open-ended questions.

Reduction of Stress and Anxiety

No Stress, No Anxiety

In between the strenuous study periods, students relieve great stress by setting aside some time for creativity. In turn, this sense of joy helps them remain relaxed and reduces their anxiety levels, making them better prepared for exams and perform better in them. Hands-on learning and visual reflection will have a much greater impact with more hands-on learning. Making the classroom layout more flexible and encouraging productive discussions fosters a creative learning environment.

Improves Problem-Solving Abilities

A Problem Solver

Children can develop problem-solving skills through brainstorming activities that involve puzzles. When students engage in creative teaching sessions, they can become incredibly optimistic about solving problems. Students can be encouraged to solve problems creatively and be more imaginative and innovative in the classroom by encouraging them to think outside the box and solve problems creatively. By doing this, the students can redefine the problems and produce more innovative solutions.

Improves Focus and Attention

Improving Focus

Junior section kids have a short attention span or concentration span. Students will focus and pay more attention when using creative teaching strategies such as storytelling and skits. In the middle of a conventional lesson, they might lose focus due to boredom. By playing memory games, taking regular breaks, allowing for creative breaks, and setting up a flexible classroom, you can increase their attention span considerably.

Communicate Better

Getting better at Communication

They are exposed to new forms of communication in a creative classroom environment. When students have free time, they can have better conversations and spark innovative ideas. Additionally, this enables them to solve problems together and to learn from one another. Students learn to think creatively as well as understand and accept others’ views through classroom discussions. When children share creative experiences, they open up to one another and become better communicators.

Mindset for Innovation

Look at the Innovative Minds

Classroom discussions and open-ended questions are two innovative teaching strategies that encourage students to develop an innovative mindset. It gives students the chance to think critically about the topic or question and think of innovative ideas. Students also benefit from the classroom discussions by thinking critically about one another’s ideas and contributions. To make junior class students feel more engaged, teachers can make some effort to incorporate humor between lessons, and the classroom setting should be colorful rather than black and white.

Encourage lifelong learning

Becoming a Life Long Learner

Having a creative mindset helps one constantly be learning new things, which helps one have that amazing feeling of lifelong learning. Creative classrooms can foster children’s curiosity through unconventional means, as a curious mind loves to learn more. However, it is a teacher’s job to bring out the best in the students by mixing creativity into the classrooms. Then they would remain engaged and active throughout, helping them to remain young at all times. Additionally, creative pleasure is a huge factor in improving health, which also helps them grow in academics and in the creative world.

How can education leaders address this issue? We encourage them to make teaching creativity a priority, starting now. As having the global education responsibility, we urge schools, educators, and parents to incorporate these methods and watch their kids grow emotionally and mentally. Parents can encourage their children to engage in creative activities at home. A simple activity such as coloring a circle or drawing a tree can encourage kids to use their creativity to become their best selves. It is inbuilt in every child to be creative, and it is the teacher’s job to guide them and cultivate it so they can become creative individuals. Students and readers alike are encouraged to participate in creative activities by GD Goenka Bhagalpur.